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Jobs in amusement parks of England

JOBS IN AMUSEMENT PARKS OF ENGLAND PLACE OF WORK: Great Britain CONTRACT TYPE: full-time THE PROGRAMME: Work Experience UK is a programme for young and full of energy individuals who wish to get acquainted with different cultures and customs. The placements allows them to upgrade their working skills and gain working experience in an international, customers oriented enviroment in some the most succesful British companies. The field of practice is mainly the catering industry. This means- bars, restaurants, guest accomodation, swimming pools, spas… This programme is a great opportunity for those who dare to be challenged and win a great start into their proffesional life. THE PARTICIPANTS Aged 18-35. This programme is for everyone- not just students. The desired level of English is intermediate and higher. Intermediate means that the person can understand English very well and is able to communicate with collegues and customers – keeping up the conversation and solving any problems. We are looking for enthusiastic personalities! Experience is not neccessary- language level and personality are the keys for succcess, though experience is a big plus. If someone is willing to stay for longer than six months- it would be an advantage too. THE RESORTS The programme takes place in holiday villages run either all year round or on a seasonal basis. This is why the starting date may be February as well as May or June. The participants become the team members of certain departments, though they may be redirected to different areas if neccessary. The departments available are: - guest catering (restaurants) - food and beverage (bars and fast foods) - accomodation (housekeeping and cleaning) - funfair (amusement) - splash and sport (swimming pools, spas) The resorts are situated across the United Kingdom, most of them over the sea. The largest ones are: Butlins in Minehead, Skegness and Bognor Regis- more than 6000 guests visit each of the three per day during the season. We do provide the accomodation to the participants, usually they inhabit the resort, sometimes the apartments are located outside of the resort. The price per person per week is usually (90%) it is up to 35 GBP per week. Please keep in mind that the rooms provided are not of the three star hotel standard- it is basic accomodation- a room with a bed, closet, bathroom and freezer. Simple but decent. All the staff is allowed to use park facilities- like swimming pools, spas, etc. – either for free or with special staff-only discount (usually 50 percent off). The meals are provided at a team diner and are subsidized, one meal costs approx 1.50 GBP, considering the standard price per meal within the UK at 5 GBP it is a real bargain! This way the participants gain not only the experience, but also save the money. The participant may undergo a set of trainings: - health and safety - organizational culture - data protection - other – including NVQs Some of the trainings are available to all of the participants, some only to those who perform their duties in a relevant department. For example lifeguard training is available only to those at splash and sport department. V prípade záujmu nás kontaktujte na tel.čísle 0948 378 355, 0948 306 355 alebo na emailovej adrese SICA AGENCY, s.r.o., 951 36 Lehota 679, Slovenská republika

Cena: dohodou

Telefón: 421948378355
Lokalita: UK,

Kategória: » Práca
Pridaný: 22.02.2016
Posledná modifikácia: 22.02.2016


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